Source code for socketio.packet

from socketio.defaultjson import default_json_dumps, default_json_loads

    'disconnect': 0,
    'connect': 1,
    'heartbeat': 2,
    'message': 3,
    'json': 4,
    'event': 5,
    'ack': 6,
    'error': 7,
    'noop': 8,

MSG_VALUES = dict((v, k) for k, v in MSG_TYPES.iteritems())

    'transport not supported': 0,
    'client not handshaken': 1,
    'unauthorized': 2

REASONS_VALUES = dict((v, k) for k, v in ERROR_REASONS.iteritems())

    'reconnect': 0,

ADVICES_VALUES = dict((v, k) for k, v in ERROR_ADVICES.iteritems())

socketio_packet_attributes = ['type', 'name', 'data', 'endpoint', 'args',
                              'ackId', 'reason', 'advice', 'qs', 'id']

[docs]def encode(data, json_dumps=default_json_dumps): """ Encode an attribute dict into a byte string. """ payload = '' msg = str(MSG_TYPES[data['type']]) if msg in ['0', '1']: # '1::' [path] [query] msg += '::' + data['endpoint'] if 'qs' in data and data['qs'] != '': msg += ':' + data['qs'] elif msg == '2': # heartbeat msg += '::' elif msg in ['3', '4', '5']: # '3:' [id ('+')] ':' [endpoint] ':' [data] # '4:' [id ('+')] ':' [endpoint] ':' [json] # '5:' [id ('+')] ':' [endpoint] ':' [json encoded event] # The message id is an incremental integer, required for ACKs. # If the message id is followed by a +, the ACK is not handled by #, but by the user instead. if msg == '3': payload = data['data'] if msg == '4': payload = json_dumps(data['data']) if msg == '5': d = {} d['name'] = data['name'] if 'args' in data and data['args'] != []: d['args'] = data['args'] payload = json_dumps(d) if 'id' in data: msg += ':' + str(data['id']) if data['ack'] == 'data': msg += '+' msg += ':' else: msg += '::' if 'endpoint' not in data: data['endpoint'] = '' if payload != '': msg += data['endpoint'] + ':' + payload else: msg += data['endpoint'] elif msg == '6': # '6:::' [id] '+' [data] msg += '::' + data.get('endpoint', '') + ':' + str(data['ackId']) if 'args' in data and data['args'] != []: msg += '+' + json_dumps(data['args']) elif msg == '7': # '7::' [endpoint] ':' [reason] '+' [advice] msg += ':::' if 'reason' in data and data['reason'] != '': msg += str(ERROR_REASONS[data['reason']]) if 'advice' in data and data['advice'] != '': msg += '+' + str(ERROR_ADVICES[data['advice']]) msg += data['endpoint'] # NoOp, used to close a poll after the polling duration time elif msg == '8': msg += '::' return msg
[docs]def decode(rawstr, json_loads=default_json_loads): """ Decode a rawstr packet arriving from the socket into a dict. """ decoded_msg = {} split_data = rawstr.split(":", 3) msg_type = split_data[0] msg_id = split_data[1] endpoint = split_data[2] data = '' if msg_id != '': if "+" in msg_id: msg_id = msg_id.split('+')[0] decoded_msg['id'] = int(msg_id) decoded_msg['ack'] = 'data' else: decoded_msg['id'] = int(msg_id) decoded_msg['ack'] = True # common to every message msg_type_id = int(msg_type) if msg_type_id in MSG_VALUES: decoded_msg['type'] = MSG_VALUES[int(msg_type)] else: raise Exception("Unknown message type: %s" % msg_type) decoded_msg['endpoint'] = endpoint if len(split_data) > 3: data = split_data[3] if msg_type == "0": # disconnect pass elif msg_type == "1": # connect decoded_msg['qs'] = data elif msg_type == "2": # heartbeat pass elif msg_type == "3": # message decoded_msg['data'] = data elif msg_type == "4": # json msg decoded_msg['data'] = json_loads(data) elif msg_type == "5": # event try: data = json_loads(data) except ValueError, e: print("Invalid JSON event message", data) decoded_msg['args'] = [] else: decoded_msg['name'] = data.pop('name') if 'args' in data: decoded_msg['args'] = data['args'] else: decoded_msg['args'] = [] elif msg_type == "6": # ack if '+' in data: ackId, data = data.split('+') decoded_msg['ackId'] = int(ackId) decoded_msg['args'] = json_loads(data) else: decoded_msg['ackId'] = int(data) decoded_msg['args'] = [] elif msg_type == "7": # error if '+' in data: reason, advice = data.split('+') decoded_msg['reason'] = REASONS_VALUES[int(reason)] decoded_msg['advice'] = ADVICES_VALUES[int(advice)] else: decoded_msg['advice'] = '' if data != '': decoded_msg['reason'] = REASONS_VALUES[int(data)] else: decoded_msg['reason'] = '' elif msg_type == "8": # noop pass return decoded_msg