Source code for socketio.virtsocket

"""Virtual Socket implementation, unifies all the Transports into one
single interface, and abstracts the work of the long-polling methods.

This module also has the ``default_error_handler`` implementation.
You can define your own so that the error messages are logged or sent
in a different way

:copyright: 2012, Alexandre Bourget <>
:moduleauthor: Alexandre Bourget <>

import random
import weakref
import logging

import gevent
from gevent.queue import Queue
from gevent.event import Event

from socketio import packet
from socketio.defaultjson import default_json_loads, default_json_dumps

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def default_error_handler(socket, error_name, error_message, endpoint, msg_id, quiet): """This is the default error handler, you can override this when calling :func:`socketio.socketio_manage`. It basically sends an event through the socket with the 'error' name. See documentation for :meth:`Socket.error`. :param quiet: if quiet, this handler will not send a packet to the user, but only log for the server developer. """ pkt = dict(type='event', name='error', args=[error_name, error_message], endpoint=endpoint) if msg_id: pkt['id'] = msg_id # Send an error event through the Socket if not quiet: socket.send_packet(pkt) # Log that error somewhere for debugging... log.error(u"default_error_handler: {}, {} (endpoint={}, msg_id={})".format( error_name, error_message, endpoint, msg_id ))
[docs]class Socket(object): """ Virtual Socket implementation, checks heartbeats, writes to local queues for message passing, holds the Namespace objects, dispatches de packets to the underlying namespaces. This is the abstraction on top of the different transports. It's like if you used a WebSocket only... """ STATE_CONNECTING = "CONNECTING" STATE_CONNECTED = "CONNECTED" STATE_DISCONNECTING = "DISCONNECTING" STATE_DISCONNECTED = "DISCONNECTED" GLOBAL_NS = '' """Use this to be explicit when specifying a Global Namespace (an endpoint with no name, not '/chat' or anything.""" json_loads = staticmethod(default_json_loads) json_dumps = staticmethod(default_json_dumps) def __init__(self, server, config, error_handler=None): self.server = weakref.proxy(server) self.sessid = str(random.random())[2:] self.session = {} # the session dict, for general developer usage self.client_queue = Queue() # queue for messages to client self.server_queue = Queue() # queue for messages to server self.hits = 0 self.heartbeats = 0 self.timeout = Event() self.wsgi_app_greenlet = None self.state = "NEW" self.connection_established = False self.ack_callbacks = {} self.ack_counter = 0 self.request = None self.environ = None self.namespaces = {} self.active_ns = {} # Namespace sessions that were instantiated = [] self.error_handler = default_error_handler self.config = config if error_handler is not None: self.error_handler = error_handler def _set_namespaces(self, namespaces): """This is a mapping (dict) of the different '/namespaces' to their BaseNamespace object derivative. This is called by socketio_manage().""" self.namespaces = namespaces def _set_request(self, request): """Saves the request object for future use by the different Namespaces. This is called by socketio_manage(). """ self.request = request def _set_environ(self, environ): """Save the WSGI environ, for future use. This is called by socketio_manage(). """ self.environ = environ def _set_error_handler(self, error_handler): """Changes the default error_handler function to the one specified This is called by socketio_manage(). """ self.error_handler = error_handler def _set_json_loads(self, json_loads): """Change the default JSON decoder. This should be a callable that accepts a single string, and returns a well-formed object. """ self.json_loads = json_loads def _set_json_dumps(self, json_dumps): """Change the default JSON decoder. This should be a callable that accepts a single string, and returns a well-formed object. """ self.json_dumps = json_dumps def _get_next_msgid(self): """This retrieves the next value for the 'id' field when sending an 'event' or 'message' or 'json' that asks the remote client to 'ack' back, so that we trigger the local callback. """ self.ack_counter += 1 return self.ack_counter def _save_ack_callback(self, msgid, callback): """Keep a reference of the callback on this socket.""" if msgid in self.ack_callbacks: return False self.ack_callbacks[msgid] = callback def _pop_ack_callback(self, msgid): """Fetch the callback for a given msgid, if it exists, otherwise, return None""" if msgid not in self.ack_callbacks: return None return self.ack_callbacks.pop(msgid) def __str__(self): result = ['sessid=%r' % self.sessid] if self.state == self.STATE_CONNECTED: result.append('connected') if self.client_queue.qsize(): result.append('client_queue[%s]' % self.client_queue.qsize()) if self.server_queue.qsize(): result.append('server_queue[%s]' % self.server_queue.qsize()) if self.hits: result.append('hits=%s' % self.hits) if self.heartbeats: result.append('heartbeats=%s' % self.heartbeats) return ' '.join(result) def __getitem__(self, key): """This will get the nested Namespace using its '/chat' reference. Using this, you can go from one Namespace to the other (to emit, add ACLs, etc..) with: adminnamespace.socket['/chat'].add_acl_method('kick-ban') """ return self.active_ns[key] def __hasitem__(self, key): """Verifies if the namespace is active (was initialized)""" return key in self.active_ns @property
[docs] def connected(self): """Returns whether the state is CONNECTED or not.""" return self.state == self.STATE_CONNECTED
[docs] def incr_hits(self): self.hits += 1
[docs] def heartbeat(self): """This makes the heart beat for another X seconds. Call this when you get a heartbeat packet in. This clear the heartbeat disconnect timeout (resets for X seconds). """ self.timeout.set()
[docs] def kill(self, detach=False): """This function must/will be called when a socket is to be completely shut down, closed by connection timeout, connection error or explicit disconnection from the client. It will call all of the Namespace's :meth:`~socketio.namespace.BaseNamespace.disconnect` methods so that you can shut-down things properly. """ # Clear out the callbacks self.ack_callbacks = {} if self.connected: self.state = self.STATE_DISCONNECTING self.server_queue.put_nowait(None) self.client_queue.put_nowait(None) if len(self.active_ns) > 0: log.debug("Calling disconnect() on %s" % self) self.disconnect() if detach: self.detach() gevent.killall(
[docs] def detach(self): """Detach this socket from the server. This should be done in conjunction with kill(), once all the jobs are dead, detach the socket for garbage collection.""" log.debug("Removing %s from server sockets" % self) if self.sessid in self.server.sockets: self.server.sockets.pop(self.sessid)
[docs] def put_server_msg(self, msg): """Writes to the server's pipe, to end up in in the Namespaces""" self.heartbeat() self.server_queue.put_nowait(msg)
[docs] def put_client_msg(self, msg): """Writes to the client's pipe, to end up in the browser""" self.client_queue.put_nowait(msg)
[docs] def get_client_msg(self, **kwargs): """Grab a message to send it to the browser""" return self.client_queue.get(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_server_msg(self, **kwargs): """Grab a message, to process it by the server and dispatch calls """ return self.server_queue.get(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_multiple_client_msgs(self, **kwargs): """Get multiple messages, in case we're going through the various XHR-polling methods, on which we can pack more than one message if the rate is high, and encode the payload for the HTTP channel.""" client_queue = self.client_queue msgs = [client_queue.get(**kwargs)] while client_queue.qsize(): msgs.append(client_queue.get()) return msgs
[docs] def error(self, error_name, error_message, endpoint=None, msg_id=None, quiet=False): """Send an error to the user, using the custom or default ErrorHandler configured on the [TODO: Revise this] Socket/Handler object. :param error_name: is a simple string, for easy association on the client side :param error_message: is a human readable message, the user will eventually see :param endpoint: set this if you have a message specific to an end point :param msg_id: set this if your error is relative to a specific message :param quiet: way to make the error handler quiet. Specific to the handler. The default handler will only log, with quiet. """ handler = self.error_handler return handler( self, error_name, error_message, endpoint, msg_id, quiet) # User facing low-level function
[docs] def disconnect(self, silent=False): """Calling this method will call the :meth:`~socketio.namespace.BaseNamespace.disconnect` method on all the active Namespaces that were open, killing all their jobs and sending 'disconnect' packets for each of them. Normally, the Global namespace (endpoint = '') has special meaning, as it represents the whole connection, :param silent: when True, pass on the ``silent`` flag to the Namespace :meth:`~socketio.namespace.BaseNamespace.disconnect` calls. """ for ns_name, ns in list(self.active_ns.iteritems()): ns.recv_disconnect()
[docs] def remove_namespace(self, namespace): """This removes a Namespace object from the socket. This is usually called by :meth:`~socketio.namespace.BaseNamespace.disconnect`. """ if namespace in self.active_ns: del self.active_ns[namespace] if len(self.active_ns) == 0 and self.connected: self.kill(detach=True)
[docs] def send_packet(self, pkt): """Low-level interface to queue a packet on the wire (encoded as wire protocol""" self.put_client_msg(packet.encode(pkt, self.json_dumps))
[docs] def spawn(self, fn, *args, **kwargs): """Spawn a new Greenlet, attached to this Socket instance. It will be monitored by the "watcher" method """ log.debug("Spawning sub-Socket Greenlet: %s" % fn.__name__) job = gevent.spawn(fn, *args, **kwargs) return job
def _receiver_loop(self): """This is the loop that takes messages from the queue for the server to consume, decodes them and dispatches them. It is the main loop for a socket. We join on this process before returning control to the web framework. This process is not tracked by the socket itself, it is not going to be killed by the ``gevent.killall(``, so it must exit gracefully itself. """ while True: rawdata = self.get_server_msg() if not rawdata: continue # or close the connection ? try: pkt = packet.decode(rawdata, self.json_loads) except (ValueError, KeyError, Exception), e: self.error('invalid_packet', "There was a decoding error when dealing with packet " "with event: %s... (%s)" % (rawdata[:20], e)) continue if pkt['type'] == 'heartbeat': # This is already dealth with in put_server_msg() when # any incoming raw data arrives. continue if pkt['type'] == 'disconnect' and pkt['endpoint'] == '': # On global namespace, we kill everything. self.kill(detach=True) continue endpoint = pkt['endpoint'] if endpoint not in self.namespaces: self.error("no_such_namespace", "The endpoint you tried to connect to " "doesn't exist: %s" % endpoint, endpoint=endpoint) continue elif endpoint in self.active_ns: pkt_ns = self.active_ns[endpoint] else: new_ns_class = self.namespaces[endpoint] pkt_ns = new_ns_class(self.environ, endpoint, request=self.request) # This calls initialize() on all the classes and mixins, etc.. # in the order of the MRO for cls in type(pkt_ns).__mro__: if hasattr(cls, 'initialize'): cls.initialize(pkt_ns) # use this instead of __init__, # for less confusion self.active_ns[endpoint] = pkt_ns retval = pkt_ns.process_packet(pkt) # Has the client requested an 'ack' with the reply parameters ? if pkt.get('ack') == "data" and pkt.get('id'): if type(retval) is tuple: args = list(retval) else: args = [retval] returning_ack = dict(type='ack', ackId=pkt['id'], args=args, endpoint=pkt.get('endpoint', '')) self.send_packet(returning_ack) # Now, are we still connected ? if not self.connected: self.kill(detach=True) # ?? what,s the best clean-up # when its not a # user-initiated disconnect return def _spawn_receiver_loop(self): """Spawns the reader loop. This is called internall by socketio_manage(). """ job = gevent.spawn(self._receiver_loop) return job def _watcher(self): """Watch out if we've been disconnected, in that case, kill all the jobs. """ while True: gevent.sleep(1.0) if not self.connected: for ns_name, ns in list(self.active_ns.iteritems()): ns.recv_disconnect() # Killing Socket-level jobs gevent.killall( break def _spawn_watcher(self): """This one is not waited for with joinall(, as it is an external watcher, to clean up when everything is done.""" job = gevent.spawn(self._watcher) return job def _heartbeat(self): """Start the heartbeat Greenlet to check connection health.""" interval = self.config['heartbeat_interval'] while self.connected: gevent.sleep(interval) # TODO: this process could use a timeout object like the disconnect # timeout thing, and ONLY send packets when none are sent! # We would do that by calling timeout.set() for a "sending" # timeout. If we're sending 100 messages a second, there is # no need to push some heartbeats in there also. self.put_client_msg("2::") def _heartbeat_timeout(self): timeout = float(self.config['heartbeat_timeout']) while True: self.timeout.clear() gevent.sleep(0) wait_res = self.timeout.wait(timeout=timeout) if not wait_res: if self.connected: log.debug("heartbeat timed out, killing socket") self.kill(detach=True) return def _spawn_heartbeat(self): """This functions returns a list of jobs""" self.spawn(self._heartbeat) self.spawn(self._heartbeat_timeout)